First, I thought I would share some squiggly amp data. First, the track as SPOT saw us.
Now, convert that data and look at this graph. I love the fact that there are such extreme elevation changes in Ecuador. Not quite as dramatic as last time we rode, but this time we went from sea level to 14000 ft in about 60 miles. So for every mile, we gained 200 feet in elevation!
The other thing I wanted to highlight, was the Dogs of Ecuador. I teased Blaster that next time I will take a photo of I think that might take me a whole year to repeat this same track

His cows sleeps, he sleeps!
You know to look before you cross the road
Always walk in against traffic
Sometimes you taunt death
You somehow survive on desolate country roads
You walk down the sidewalks
You inspect all comers
When you wake up, you calmly sit on the sidewalk as the "parade" goes by
This might have been the skinniest one we saw
When possible, you hang outside the eateries
Life may be rough, but alas, at least you've never been expected to carry more than your own weight
The weather is nice year round though
You marvel at humans and their trinkets
Occasionally, you find yourself "living the good life", but yet bound by shackles
Raise a toast to all the Ecuador canine brethren. Share the last morsels of the doggie bag