We leave the day 2 hostel behind, and everyone is well rested. It's a good thing too because boy have we've been sold a bill of goods. Blaster and I have confirmed that we are mostly Adventure Riders, and not really Adventure hikers. Last time(in 2014), we parked the bikes and hiked for 1/2 hour it was much longer than 1/2 hour. It seems that pudgy American's aren't swift hikers.
In October 1953 the B36 bomber (one of the largest military aircraft ever) was on its way to the US from the Azores. It was navigating by sight, and flying low to avoid radar detection. It was supposed to come in over the coast of Maine as a test of the US air defence network. This may be obvious to some, but planes that crash into a mountain top will probably involve a long, steep hike up a hill to see the crash site. We didn't set any land speed records that hike!
So when Court explains the days itinerary, I should be more skeptical. In fact, as I reflect I think we have a situation much like the Project Management Swing. What Court explains is a mild 30 minute hike to Laguna Azul with 3 ascents and 2 descends. (Suspending disbelief, what goes up must come down so shouldn't those be equal?). I believe this would be frame 5 in the below picture.
Anyhow, what we come to realize it that an Aussie Blood can hoof that track in about 150% longer, and the rotund Americans can pray that it didn't more than take 200% longer.
I shouldn't incredibly say that we were all that slow, about the only thing consistent about the terrain is that each step is not like the one before it...nor the one after it
We did find time to entertain ourselves during our glacial paced walk.
There was B.I.G bamboo
Which apparently you should chop down to make a bridge
What ever you do, do not stub your left big toe on the suspension bridge. As the toe nail turns black and falls off in the next day or so, you will be constantly reminded on every upshift
At this point, we have convinced ourselves, that we are throuhgly lost. We've not taken a GPS nor a SPOT, and the trail has narrowed to what appears to the back entrance of a Donkey pasture. Since we've already invested this much in this fruitless road march, why not go down the next decline too.
At least we have big Escagot to survive on
And with that, Laguna azul shared her spoils with us. Laguna azul is something right out of a pornographic movie. For the short time we spent with her,we were mermaids in our minds.
About this time, I remember that faint babbling from the International travel doctor about avoiding swimming in untreated water. Something about bad things live in there and you will die a terrible death fraile American. Meh, look Doc, not hands!
If you notice there is rope swing next to waterfall. Boy am I glad that we left alone after seeing this vid!