We leave Quito in the rear view mirror, and head north for Otavalo. It's ridiculous close geographically to Quito, maybe only 90KMs via the Pan American Highway. However, those that know us, know that route simply won't be a sufficient mode for travel.
It's a good thing that our GPS folks have the same idea. As the elevation drops, roads like this one abound.
It's a good thing that our GPS folks have the same idea. As the elevation drops, roads like this one abound.
Never a bad day when your road meanders by raging rivers!
KLR sneaking past

It seems that the hairpins turns claim the first victim of the trip. Seems the front brake got a little pear shaped on Kelly and proceeded to nicely deposit her on the tarmac. The Husky loses a mirror, but otherwise is no worst for the wear.

Back above the clouds we go again.